The Standard is designed with the following objectives:
1.0 To provide to the public a risk analysis method that aligns with judicial and regulatory expectations for demonstrating “due care,” the “reasonable person,” and “reasonable,” and “appropriate” safeguards.
1.1 As a method for supporting the “cost-benefit” analysis in the United States as required in Executive Order 12866, and as commonly stated in the Code of Federal Regulations as “risk analysis,” “reasonable safeguards,” “appropriate safeguards,” and “reasonable risk.”
1.2 As a method for supporting judicial analysis such as “multi-factor” balancing tests for determining whether the “reasonable person” standard has been met.
1.3 As a method for supporting international standards and regulations for demonstrating “reasonable” risk.
2.0 To supplement and not replace established risk assessment standards and methods. For example, quantitative probability analysis, qualitative use of ordinals, and standards such as ISO/IEC 31000 can all be supplemented and accommodated by DoCRA.
3.0 To describe risk analysis to the extent that risk analysts who are experienced with established risk assessment standards may design, develop, and conduct assessments that achieve DoCRA’s principles.
4.0 To describe risk analysis to the extent that other standards bodies may create or enhance their own risk analysis processes so that they achieve the benefits of the Standard.
5.0 To be neutral to specific industries, professional fields, legal forums, and regulatory regimes that require risk analysis. This neutrality is to provide the Standard with portability and usefulness to a wide variety of cases and needs.
Download the DoCRA Standard
DOWNLOAD: Duty of Care Risk Analysis Standard – v06
Version 0.6 Draft – Public Comment June, 2021
Final publication pending approval by the DoCRA Council Board of Directors